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The Settlecore – Shadow Settlements Module allows market participants to settle millions and in some cases billions of dollars annually. Participants also need to perform their due diligence in validating their ISO settlement statement payables and receivables.

A shadow settlement engine with a robust relational database behind it is the solution. Spreadsheets are simply not a viable alternative.

Shadow settlements collectively includes a) the estimation of the settlement statements as early as one day after the flow of power before the ISO’s publish the settlement files and b) the validation of the ISO settlement statements after they are published by the ISOs.

Both the T+1 shadow settlement (also known as pre-settlements or predictive settlements) and the statement validation process, collectively known as shadow settlements, can be completely automated.

Using a shadow settlements engine that follows the ISO business practice manual and tariff formulas is a necessity. The SettleCore Shadow Settlements Module is the solution.

See how much time your settlement analysts can save and how many additional dispute dollars can be realized by using the SettleCore Shadow Settlements Module. Schedule a demo of SettleCore today.

Learn more about how Power Settlements can help you

Feature Overview

  • Run shadow settlements (predictive settlement) as early as T+1 for PNL estimates.
  • Run the shadow settlements validation routine to validate the ISO settlement files.
  • All shadow settlements can be compared to ISO settlement files in the SettleCore Settlements Analyzer Module.
  • All shadow settlements are versioned for a full audit history.

The SettleCore solution is comprised of the following modules:

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