What is a Power Purchase Agreement

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a long-term contract between an electricity generator and a purchaser, typically a company or utility, outlining the terms of the sale and delivery of energy. This agreement is essential for companies looking to secure stable energy prices, manage energy risks, or meet sustainability goals.

PPAs are becoming increasingly popular in the corporate sector, especially for organizations looking to invest in renewable energy sources without the upfront capital cost of building their own infrastructure. By entering into a corporate power purchase agreement, businesses can buy energy directly from renewable energy projects, such as wind or solar farms, at a predetermined price, ensuring budget predictability.

Key Features of a Power Purchase Agreement

  1. Fixed Energy Costs: With a PPA, companies lock in energy rates for the duration of the contract, protecting themselves from market volatility. This makes financial planning easier, particularly for businesses with high energy consumption.
  2. Long-Term Agreement: Most PPAs last between 10 to 25 years, giving companies a long-term energy strategy. This stability appeals to corporations aiming to meet long-term sustainability goals.
  3. Sustainability Focus: Corporate power purchase agreements are a key driver in the transition to renewable energy. Companies can reduce their carbon footprint and improve their sustainability profile by sourcing power from green energy projects.
  4. Risk Management: By securing energy through a PPA, businesses can mitigate the risks associated with fluctuating energy prices and regulatory changes. This helps reduce the uncertainty in future energy costs, allowing businesses to better control operational expenses.

Types of Power Purchase Agreements

There are several types of PPAs, with two of the most common being:

  • Physical PPA: In this type, the energy is physically delivered to the company from the renewable energy project through the electrical grid. Companies that need actual energy supply contracts often opt for physical PPAs.
  • Virtual PPA (VPPA): Here, companies don’t directly receive the energy but purchase the financial rights to renewable energy. This arrangement is common for companies interested in carbon offsets and Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) without needing to take physical delivery of the energy.

Why Choose a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement?

For corporations, entering into a corporate power purchase agreement brings several advantages beyond just cost savings:

  • Corporate Responsibility and ESG Goals: Increasingly, businesses are being measured by their environmental and social governance (ESG) performance. A corporate PPA demonstrates a company’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which can enhance brand reputation and satisfy investor expectations.
  • Energy Independence: PPAs offer companies a way to break away from the traditional energy supply chain, giving them control over their energy sourcing and independence from market prices.
  • Financial Incentives: Governments often provide tax incentives and subsidies for renewable energy projects. By entering into a PPA, corporations can indirectly benefit from these incentives through reduced energy prices and long-term cost savings.

How Power Settlements Helps with Power Purchase Agreements

At Power Settlements, we specialize in providing the software and expertise needed to manage power purchase agreements efficiently. Our platforms help companies track energy delivery, streamline settlement processes, and optimize their energy portfolios. By choosing Power Settlements, you gain access to robust tools that simplify the management of your PPA, ensuring that your business remains compliant, cost-effective, and forward-thinking in its energy strategy.

Our deep industry expertise means we can guide your organization through the complexities of a corporate power purchase agreement, helping you select the best type of PPA that meets your operational and sustainability goals.

A power purchase agreement is more than just an energy contract—it’s a strategic tool that can help companies manage energy costs, meet sustainability targets, and secure long-term energy stability. Whether you’re new to PPAs or looking to optimize your current agreement, Power Settlements offers the solutions and expertise to ensure you maximize the benefits of your energy strategy.