All Clients

Leaders Staying Ahead
Leaders Staying Ahead
Leaders Staying Ahead
Meet the customers relying on PowerCore™ and Power Settlements.
Meet the customers relying on PowerCore™ and Power Settlements.
  • 3 Phases Renewables

  • Arizona Public Service

  • Avista Corporation

  • AZ Electric Power Coop.

  • Balancing Authority of Northern California

  • Bonneville Power Administration

  • Central Municipal Power Agency Services

  • City of Pasadena

  • City of Redding

  • City of Riverside

  • City of Seattle

  • City of Springfield

  • City of Tacoma

  • City of Vernon

  • Dairyland Power Coop.

  • EDP Renewables

  • El Paso Electric

  • Eugene Water & Electric Board

  • Eversource

  • High Desert Power Project

  • Idaho Power Company

  • Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power

  • Manitowoc Public Utilities

  • Marin Clean Energy

  • Modesto Irrigation District

  • Northwestern Energy

  • NV Energy

  • PacifiCorp

  • PNM

  • Portland General Electric

  • Puget Sound Energy

  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District

  • Salt River Project

  • San Francisco PUC

  • Southern California Edison

  • Terra-Gen

  • Tucson Electric Power

  • Turlock Irrigation District

  • Wellhead Energy

  • ZGlobal