Four New Western EIM Members Successfully Go Live on the Power Settlements SettleCore Platform

The Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), which launched in 2014, is a real-time energy market in the western United States. The EIM increases grid reliability, allows for efficient dispatch, and reduces the cost of serving load. Currently, the EIM has 13 active members and 8 more pending.

Power Settlements (PSCS) is pleased to announce the following clients went live in the Western EIM market, thus far in 2021.

March 25, 2021 Go-Lives:

Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC)

  • A single platform used by the BANC Entity Scheduling Coordinator (EESC) administrator and the Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator (PRSC) BANC members including the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), City of Redding, City of Roseville, Modesto Irrigation District, and the Western Area Power Administration – Sierra Nevada division.

  • The SettleCore system provides BANC’s members the ability to view their PRSC data and to view and download their EIM Sub-Allocation statements and invoices.

  • BANC’s administrator utilizes the SettleCore system to perform the EESC back-office functions including Shadow Settlements and ISO Settlement Statement Validations, EIM Sub-Allocations, Contract Billing, and Reporting.

  • BANC members are able to perform Real-time and Historical PNL Analytics for front-office operations via the Visual Analytics Module.

City of Redding (REU)

  • REU implemented the SettleCore system modules that perform their PRSC Merchant front-office and back-office operations including, Bidding, Scheduling (BSAP and SIBR), E-tagging, Trade Capture, Position Management, Meter Data submissions, Shadow Settlements and ISO Settlement Statement Validations, and Reporting.

  • REU users are able to perform Real-time and Historical PNL Analytics for front-office operations via the Visual Analytics Module.

Turlock Irrigation District (TID)

  • TID implemented the SettleCore system modules that include both EESC and PRSC back-office operations including, Meter Data Submissions, Shadow Settlements and ISO Settlement Statement Validations, and Reporting.

  • TID users are able to perform Real-time and Historical PNL Analytics for front-office operations via the Visual Analytics Module.

April 1, 2021 Go-Live:

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)

  • LADWP implemented the SettleCore system modules that perform both EESC and PRSC back-office operations including Shadow Settlements and ISO Settlement Statement Validations, EIM Sub-Allocations, Contract Billing, and Reporting.

  • LADWP users are able to perform Real-time and Historical PNL Analytics for front-office operations via the Visual Analytics Module.

Power Settlements is looking forward to serving our new EIM clients and helping each one to be successful within the Western EIM Market.