Power Settlements Releases Risk Analytics Module for Public Power Utilities

Power Settlements has deployed its new SettleCore™ – Risk Analytics Module to customers. This module rounds out our ETRM (energy trading and risk management) offering that is used by public power utilities. The SettleCore – Risk Analytics Module is used to calculate Value at Risk (VaR) for physical and financial power, including CRR and FTR positions, and natural gas transactions. This module assists customers with monitoring their risk exposure for forward positions. With this module we now have a complete ETRM offering that enables customers to perform deal entry, scheduling, enforce trader position limits, enforce counterparty credit limits, calculate mark-to-market, calculate value at risk, and perform settlements, invoicing, and reporting.

“ETRM is one of our fastest growing segments in the market. Our niche in the ETRM segment is an offering geared towards municipal and public power utilities that are looking for a single integrated offering that encompasses front-office, mid-office, and back-office functions with full ISO/RTO integration for scheduling, settlements, and reporting,” said David Dan, CEO of Power Settlements. “Whereas the SettleCore ISO/RTO scheduling and settlements solution and the SettleCore Visual Analytics solution are marketed to all types of market participants, our SettleCore ETRM offering is focused primarily on public power agencies.”

For more information on the SettleCore ETRM software system click here http://powersettlements.com/settlecore-etrm