Southern California Edison Implements SettleCore for Shadow Settlements

Southern California Edison (“SCE”), one of the largest utilities in the U.S., with several thousand megawatts of generation and a peak load of approximately 22,000 MW, has implemented the SettleCore – Shadow Settlements Module for their CAISO shadow settlements charge code estimation and validation processes. After a thorough testing period, today, SCE retired their legacy vendor settlement system and moved SettleCore into production as their single system of record for their back-office.

“A Top 20 Utility’s implementation of SettleCore marks a major milestone for Power Settlements. SCE has been a customer of ours since 2009, and had previously used other SettleCore modules for reporting purposes. Their selection, implementation, and production use of SettleCore as their back-office system of record demonstrates once again that SettleCore is the premier vendor system for ISO/RTO market participants. We thank SCE for being a valued customer and look forward to supporting SCE for many years to come,” said David Dan, CEO of Power Settlements.

About Southern California Edison
Southern California Edison (SCE) is one of the largest electric utilities in California, serving more than 14 million people in a 50,000 square-mile area of central, coastal and Southern California, excluding the City of Los Angeles and certain other cities. Based in Rosemead, California, the utility has been providing electric service in the region for more than 120 years. SCE’s service territory includes more than 180 cities.

More information about SCE can be found at