

Gain real-time performance insights to enhance enterprise success.

AnalyticsCore combines real-time analytics of ISO/RTO and internal data with detailed visualizations to uncover market opportunities and simplify settlement comparisons for swift dispute resolution.

Conduct Revealing Visual Analyses

Get instant analysis of ISO/RTO and internal data enabling real-time profit assessment, identification of new trading opportunities, and much more.

Conserve Resources & Time

Simplify comparisons of invoices and settlement files with intuitive screens and customized reporting that highlights crucial variances and resolves disputes swiftly.

Leverage PowerCore’s “ISO Downloader”

AnalyticsCore’s “Create-a-Report” module works with the PowerCore “ISO Downloader” to import market data to generate detailed reports and intelligence extracts.

Energy-Core - End-to-End Software for Energy Suppliers







Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics (VA) is a single “point of truth” that generators, load-serving entities (LSEs), and balancing authorities (BAs) use to compute real-time profit and loss based on ISO/RTO and internal data. It helps identify hidden opportunities and create additional, impactful transactions while generating insightful reporting across an enterprise.

Empower Your Team with Visual Reporting

  • View dispatch schedules, ancillary services, LMPs, meter data, and deviations (with updates) to a five-minute level of detail.
  • Visualize enterprise operations by joining ISO data with internal data and metrics from a variety of sources (e.g., Areva PI, SCADA, etc.).

Better Manage Granular Data Volumes

  • Integrate data on scheduling entities, resources, and scheduling coordinators for a complete dataset.
  • Pull and assess data at multiple levels (daily, hourly, and sub-hourly) with easy drill-down capability.
  • Use robust connectors to import generator-specific ISO and internal data (PI, SCADA meter reads, etc.).

Elevate Confidence & Operational Awareness

Automate validations of resource-level data to see meter deviations and ramp rate inconsistencies. Improve awareness with detailed notes linked to resource-level visualizations (charts, graphs, etc.).

Speed Decisions with Tailored Analytics

  • VA’s functionality speeds the manipulation, viewing, and interpretation of critical historical and real-time data actions giving you a reliable “GPS” to make optimal market participation decisions.
  • Analyze daily performance alongside multiple enterprise benchmarks with customizable dashboards to optimize dispatch and scheduling.

Receive Near-Real-Time Updates

Get notified when energy flows to maintain an up-to-date operational perspective.

Quickly Calculate Profit & Loss

VA’s advanced calculation engine updates resource and portfolio estimates of P&L every 5-minutes.

Analyze Energy Imbalance Markets

Examine trade dates with versioning aligned with settlement cycles, and shadow counterfactual calculations to estimate and validate EIM benefit data provided by the ISO.

Settlements Analyzer

Save time and resources by easily comparing complex, granular data including ISO invoices, settlement files, and billing determinants to ensure precision in discrepancy identification and dispute resolution.

Work Smarter & More Efficiently

  • Speed shadow comparisons with ISO settlement files and billing determinants using a tailored interface.
  • Quickly compare any two settlement files and see automatically highlighted differences for the lowest level of billing determinant and interval-level data.

Transport Data Faster & More Easily

Speed the import and export of all settlements data, including invoices, to Excel or other databases.

Leverage a Bespoke, Optimized Interface

Settlements Analyzer greatly enhances the ability of analysts to conduct more precise examinations of highly granular billing information, ensuring decision agility.

  • View daily settlement charge code amounts.
  • Assess five-minute and hourly charge code volumes/prices/amounts.
  • Compare primary/intermediate billing determinants.
  • Use built-in pivot tables to customize your analyses.


Create-a-Report is a solution that works in tandem with PowerCore’s ISO Downloader to import 100% of available market data and stream it through enterprise reporting tools to provide detailed information extracts and insights.

Utilize Powerful Reporting Infrastructure

Apply preconfigured reports or build custom ones based on specific team and overall enterprise requirements.

Export Data in Any Format

Export raw ISO data into PowerCore, then extract it to Excel or other databases. Export by source type and report for any date range for one or more scheduling coordinators.

See “Shadow” EIM Benefit Counterfactuals

Assess “Shadow” EIM Benefit Counterfactuals and extract the data to compare with ISO-published EIM benefit reports. See summaries down to 5-minute level results.

Flexible Report Storage & Sharing

Reports can be flexibly stored and shared automatically with relevant teams and specific team members.