

Optimize complex contract processes for ISO/RTO and bilateral markets.

ContractCore automates the lifecycle of PPAs, tolling, transmission, and other structured contracts. It manages diverse resources and integrates invoicing, shadowing, dispute management, advanced analytics, and more.

Manage Any Contract for Any Resource

Manage PPAs, EMAs, tolling, transmission, and bilateral agreement settlement and invoicing for any resource (e.g., thermal, renewable, batteries, nuclear, distributed generation, demand response, and more).

A 360° View of All Contracting Elements

Sophisticated features and automation offer a complete picture of all contract details, enabling proactive management of terms, obligations, and documentation.

One Platform for All Functions

Quickly access analytics, perform shadow settlements, validate terms, and manage disputes in one, secure environment that ensures data integrity and compliance.

Energy-Core - End-to-End Software for Energy Suppliers







PPA Invoicing

Save time and effort managing settlements and invoicing for any contract and any resource type. Quickly access time series analytics and reporting with detailed contract data in a single repository.

Create & Apply Custom Formulas

Use custom calculations with energy and capacity products, index and swap prices, schedules, forecasts, meters, and any other PPA formula variables. Process any interval (e.g., hourly, 15-minute, 5-minute, etc.).

Increase Management & Auditor Confidence

All contracts are settled in a secure system with user roles and permissions, timestamps, auditing, and traceability.

Unique Features Speed Contract Reviews

Multiple interface drill-downs facilitate fast reviews of invoices, statements, and all supporting details.

Flexibly Import & Export Data

Import data from templates and process multiple PPAs concurrently. Export invoices and supporting details in any format without requiring changes to existing counterparty invoicing processes.

Seamlessly Modify Contract Parameters

Alter contract details, run calculations, generate invoices, and make adjustments and overrides as required.

Leverage Versioned Calculations

Compare PPA settlement results for different settlement cycles or invoice versions.

Complex Contract Shadow

Leave spreadsheets behind for a solution that automates shadow settlement of any agreement with reliability and precision to ensure your enterprise receives all the benefits it is entitled to.

Simultaneously Shadow Multiple Contracts

Fully automate concurrent contract shadow settlement for any agreement executed by your organization.

Connect to AR/AP/ERP Systems

Integrate ContractCore with AR/AP and ERP systems to automate invoice-to-pay workflows and processes. Two-way synchronization ensures the same data is available on all systems.

Speed Validation Processes

More easily validate contract terms, payments, and settlements full audit trails built from granular checks of detailed agreement data.

Create, Manage & Resolve Disputes Faster

Use advanced automation and other functionality to speed dispute resolutions based on detailed supporting and justification data.

Contract Management

ContractCore allows portfolio, credit and risk managers, contract administrators, legal teams, and back-office personnel to monitor and maintain contract asset information, milestones, tasks, alerts, and deliverables so that enterprise commitments are met efficiently and on time.

Manage Contracts for All Resources

  • Thermal & Nuclear
  • Renewables (Hydro, Wind, Solar, etc.)
  • Batteries
  • Distributed Generation & Demand Response

Employ Audit Logging & Advanced Reporting

Keep key stakeholder teams and management informed and on track using advanced automation.

Attach, Tier & Practively Share Updates

Arrange and distribute notes/comments for any contract.

Implement Automatic Task Tracking

Track specific contract-related projects and tasks and assign them to individuals or groups.

Receive Email Notifications & Alerts

See upcoming and past due items (e.g., contract milestones, tasks, reports, etc.) to help keep enterprise teams informed and operating at peak efficiency.

Integrate Advanced Calendaring

Embedded calendar tools facilitate creating multiple event occurrences (e.g., for board/council meetings, decision dates, execution, COD, invoice due dates, etc.) with reminders for milestones, tasks, and deadlines.