Wellhead Electric

“We selected Power Settlements because they were the most responsive and informed group that we spoke to in our initial software screening. In implementation, they have continued to display that level of expertise. Power Settlements provides enough of a quantitative difference in processing capability, as to arrive at a qualitatively different staff experience. It’s the difference between a trader spending 4 hours analyzing a single day’s settlement in. XLS, and spending 5 minutes confirming an outcome in full-color charts via Visual Analytics. It’s the difference between IT spending an hour a day making sure data gets downloaded, and simply logging in to review your already downloaded data. It’s the difference between having your accounting department spend 10 hours correlating CAISO reports to compare to a CAISO statement, and just clicking one button to receive that spreadsheet. In other words, it’s the difference between making a profit and spending that profit on the time it takes trying to figure out if you did.

Of course, there are other products out there, but when you consider the staff, the customization capability, and the modern platform that Power Settlements provides, you can’t beat the value for the price.”

Justin Bosserman
Project Manager
Wellhead Electric


“Power Settlements was the clear choice to provide us with comprehensive bid-to-bill functionality that could handle our complex renewable bidding and settlements requirements for the CAISO market. They worked closely with us throughout the implementation process to meet all our specific requirements, and the Terra-Gen team has already derived significant benefits in multiple areas. The PowerCore modules we licensed have helped us more quickly bid, analyze, optimize, and report on the performance of our renewable and hybrid fleet, significantly enhancing our CAISO market participation and, ultimately, the more efficient delivery of clean energy to customers.”

Ryan Miller
Manager of Scheduling