SettleCore Implemented by Entegra Power Group for PJM

Power Settlements is pleased to announce that Entegra Power Group recently implemented SettleCore for their bid to bill participation in PJM. SettleCore enables the automated upload of bids and offers to the ISOs through shadow settlements and reporting. Entegra is an active participant in the ISO markets and uses SettleCore for their interaction in CAISO, MISO, and PJM. Read More about SettleCore Implemented by Entegra Power Group for PJM

City Water Light and Power Implements SettleCore for MISO

City Water Light and Power (“CWLP”), the largest municipal utility in Illinois, recently implemented the SettleCore™ – ISO Downloader Module for their reporting needs in the MISO markets.

“We are excited to bring CWLP on board as a new customer of ours in the MISO footprint. The ability of SettleCore™ to download 100% of the MISO data, the open database of the system, the ability to easily view data in the pivot-table based screens, and the ability to export all MISO data to MS Excel, are key benefits to CWLP,” said David Dan, CEO of Power Settlements. Read More about City Water Light and Power Implements SettleCore for MISO

Entegra Power Group Implements SettleCore for MISO from Bid to Bill

Entegra Power Group, new to MISO South, owns and operates some of the largest independent power plants in the United States, including the Arkansas Union Power Station, which produces close to 2,200 MW of power in the MISO market.

After reviewing Power Settlements and several competing software vendors, Entegra selected SettleCore™ for all of their interactions and communications in the MISO market. Entegra and Power Settlements recently completed the SettleCore™ implementation for all of their bid to bill interactions in MISO. Read More about Entegra Power Group Implements SettleCore for MISO from Bid to Bill