Southern California Edison

“Southern California Edison (SCE) has been a happy client of Power Settlements since 2009. In 2024, and after careful consideration, we strategically migrated from the on-premise version of the PowerCore Platform to its cloud-based counterpart and couldn’t be happier with the results.

To give some context of scale, in 2023 alone, SCE settled and validated over $1 billion net ($9 billion gross) in California ISO (CAISO) charges leading to $65 million in successful disputes, using the thick (on-premise) version of PowerCore. One of the primary reasons for the change to its hosted environment was to ensure that the CAISO was accurately settling market charges and resolving inaccuracies and disputes efficiently, lowering costs for our customers. The hosted version of PowerCore has helped to enable this in several ways, including:

  1. SCE users have greatly benefitted from being able to better manage and more seamlessly (and accurately) validate market charges.
  2. PowerCore’s cloud version has helped streamline processing leading to successful disputes and savings, directly benefiting SCE customers.
  3. PowerCore’s hosted version with its enhanced application provides a better user experience facilitating easier data filtering and viewing capabilities.
  4. From a technical viewpoint, PowerCore’s cloud infrastructure has enabled faster and more frequent updates, keeping SCE at the forefront of technological advancements. It also provides unmatched flexibility, allowing our team to scale storage and CPU resources as-needed.
  5. By allowing Power Settlements personnel to handle support and maintenance of PowerCore in the cloud, SCE’s IT staff can focus more attention on other aspects of our business operations.

    The cloud-based PowerCore platform has been transformative for SCE. The benefits of quicker deployments, advanced user and technical functionality, and significant financial savings have had a profoundly positive impact on our business. We’re extremely satisfied with Power Settlements and their exceptional pre and post-go-live support, and we look forward to continued success together.

    Gita Razavi
    Sr. Advisor, CAISO Settlements & Market Analytics
    Southern California Edison