Dairyland Power Cooperative

“The PowerCore system is easy to use and our settlement analysts can quickly identify the source of settlement discrepancies between the shadow and MISO. PowerCore’s accuracy and intuitive interface have added efficiency to our settlement process and increased the level of confidence in the accuracy of our shadow settlements. Our interaction with Power Settlements – from the first demo through a full trial phase and into production – has been smooth and professional. Their staff are very attentive to detail, knowledgeable about the MISO market and willing to make product changes that increase our productivity. We highly recommend that anyone looking for a robust settlements system consider Power Settlements.”

John Young
Manager of Market Services
Dairyland Power Cooperative

City of Vernon

“The Power Settlements PowerCore system has really been a huge benefit to us. Our schedulers and traders have already seen huge benefits from the Visual Analytics module. With a single real-time dashboard that automatically updates itself every 5 minutes, we now have timely visibility into the CAISO’s 5-minute ADS generator dispatches, our internal meter data reads, RT imbalance energy, and all schedules and LMPs. Having a single screen with this information, which allows us to perform RT analysis and reporting, has been amazing. Within a few weeks after the Power Settlements implementation, we found several internal and CAISO issues that we are following up on to improve our generator performance.

Regarding the Power Settlements back-office functionality, now all of our CAISO data downloading is completely automated, and we can shadow estimate and validate our CAISO settlement statements accurately and on time. Weekly reporting processes that we previously completed manually that would take days to perform can now be completed in about two hours using the Power Settlements system. The PowerCore modules for CAISO Settlements have provided us with transparency, calculation accuracy, and ease of use that we saw during the original Power Settlements demonstration. We are very pleased with the Power Settlements PowerCore system.”

Efrain Sandoval
Resource Scheduler
City of Vernon

City of Riverside

“We were very impressed with the superior functionality of the PowerCore application and the incredible customer service provided by Power Settlements’ staff. We wanted our front-office personnel to also benefit from PowerCore, realizing that a single, completely integrated application for all of our front and back-office users would result in material time and cost savings for our organization.”

Jesus Martinez
Principal Resource Analyst, Market Operations
City of Riverside

City of Riverside

“We now have a single application used by our entire organization for transacting with the CAISO and our counterparties, from entering deals to scheduling, downloading CAISO data, calculating shadow settlements, reporting, and counterparty settlement. Since the production rollout of the PowerCore deal capture and scheduling functionality, our traders and schedulers are extremely pleased.”

Daniel E. Garcia
Manager of Market Operations
City of Riverside

City of Redding

“We have been using Power Settlements for almost a year and are continuing to utilize and optimize their full suite of software (Scheduling, Bidding, Trade Capture, E-Tag, Settlements, Shadow, Meter, and Visual Analytics) and are excited with how much we can do! We are able to customize reports and layouts to suit our needs. Power Settlements has delivered excellent customer service and quick responses to any issues that come up. We have been extremely happy with the bid-to-bill software and in particular with Visual Analytics and its ability to organize and display large amounts of data in a way that can be processed quickly. As a smaller utility, Power Settlements has definitely made us feel just as important as any other (larger) customer. With their customer service and array of software products, we know we’ll be able to accommodate any new changes that come our way.”

Kyle Hastings
Electric Utility Senior System Operator
City of Redding

City of Pasadena

“One year ago, we implemented the PowerCore ETRM system on time and on budget. We were able to successfully replace multiple systems with one system that could address the process improvements and reporting enhancements we felt were critical needs for our operations. The PowerCore product and Power Settlements’ customer support staff have allowed us to realize a new level of efficiency across multiple departments. We are extremely happy with our selection of PowerCore.”

Erik Johnson
Principal Energy Trader
City of Pasadena Water & Power Department

Avista Corporation

“Power Settlements has been an excellent business partner, and has consistently gone above and beyond from a customer service standpoint. From timely communication, thoughtful collaboration, helpful training, friendly staff members and quick responses and resolutions, Power Settlements represents what a first-class vendor stands for. The PowerCore (formerly “SettleCore”) system provides a full-suite solution that supports Avista’s real-time operations insights, post-market analytics, shadow settlements and validation, billing and invoicing, benefit calculation, as well as any required customizations. PowerCore is very intuitive to analysts, which shows that Power Settlements is focused on anticipating end-user needs.  Avista could not be more pleased with our decision to choose Power Settlements and their solutions to support our settlements and analytics functions for the WEIM.”

Xin Shane & James Dykes
Manager EIM Settlements & EIM Technology Operations Lead 
Avista Corporation

Arizona Public Service

“The PowerCore Visual Analytics Module offers the ability for APS to utilize programmable validation rules to alert unusual market results. These business rules allow for complex datasets to be created from both CAISO data and external interfaces, producing a highly customizable and interactive analysis tool. This enables relevant market data to be efficiently compiled, analyzed, and flagged for further follow-up. The PowerCore platform fosters better collaboration between the operations and settlements business areas, helps identify areas for operational improvement, and provides improved detection and support of CAISO settlement disputes for increased cost recovery.”

Adam Wardell
Leader, Energy Accounting & System Reporting
Arizona Public Service

Arizona G&T Cooperatives

“Power Settlements’ PowerCore technology is one-of-a-kind. We were at first overwhelmed with the amount of data used in the structured markets to determine and calculate charge codes, but PowerCore accelerated our position from novice to intermediate on day one. It delivers a level of trust and expertise that makes it ideal for any level of user right out-of-the box. The Power Settlements staff were continually committed to AEPCO’s successful transition during our market implementation, and the firm offers a variety of tools to make anyone a power user.”

Tara Davis
Senior Project Manager
Arizona G&T Cooperatives

El Paso Electric

“With El Paso Electric Company (EPE) joining the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), the company needed a settlements application that could support the new EIM settlements functions. PowerCore from Power Settlements provided this support. The functionality from Power Settlements was not limited to the settlements processes but also helped with visual analytics and metering submission. The implementation process was seamless and efficient, thanks to the dedicated and responsive support from the Power Settlements team. From initial onboarding to final go-live, Power Settlements provided exceptional guidance and assistance at every step. The software was tailored to EPE’s specific needs, and the customization options were extensive, allowing EPE to streamline the settlements processing workflow at a whole new level.

One of the standout features of PowerCore is its user-friendly interface. The intuitive design and navigation made it easy for the EPE team to adapt to the new system, reducing the learning curve and ensuring smooth adoption across the organization. PowerCore’s robust functionality enabled EPE to automate various manual processes, resulting in increased efficiency and accuracy in settlements processing.

Moreover, the level of support EPE received from the Power Settlements team during the implementation has been exceptional. Their responsiveness and willingness to address any questions or concerns was exemplary. Power Settlements consistently went above and beyond to ensure EPE’s satisfaction with PowerCore.

In summary, the implementation of PowerCore has been a success for EPE. The software transformed EPE’s settlements processing operations, bringing increased efficiency, accuracy, and visibility. The seamless implementation process, user-friendly interface, robust functionality, and excellent support from the Power Settlements team made it a truly positive experience. EPE highly recommends PowerCore from Power Settlements to any institution seeking a reliable and effective solution for EIM settlements processing.”

Ana Boisselier
Energy Accounting & Credit Supervisor
El Paso Electric