Fortify enterprise ETRM capabilities in ISO/RTO and bilateral markets.

ETRMCore delivers targeted features to manage power delivery, trading, settlements, reporting, and compliance. If your ETRM is unwieldy, costly to upgrade, or can’t keep pace with industry changes, ETRMCore can quickly replace it.

End-to-End Functionality

Save time and money with a comprehensive, multi-commodity platform offering real-time data, robust analytics, and seamless workflow management.

Uncover Hidden Opportunities

Quickly identify deal opportunities, optimize hedging strategies, and automate emissions tracking and management, improving decision-making and efficiency across all trading and risk management activities.

Cloud-Based & Flexible

Benefit from a cloud delivery with seamless connectivity to ERP/GL systems, and powerful regulatory reporting, ensuring ease of maintenance and full compliance.

Energy-Core - End-to-End Software for Energy Suppliers







Risk Management

Unlock the full potential of your trading strategy and resources with EnergyCore Risk Management. Confidently navigate market volatility with precision using robust tools for multiple functions from monitoring counterparty credit and exposure limits to position management and valuation to compliance with regulatory, financial, and reporting requirements.

Better Mark-to-Market (MtM)

Better measure portfolio value and fluctuations over time. Generate more accurate MtM values essential for compliance with regulatory and financial requirements and reporting standards.

Integrate Front, Mid & Back Office

Bolt together all of your enterprise functions to facilitate quicker, more informed trading and scheduling decisions, ensure optimal compliance and reporting, and improve the speed and accuracy of settlements.

Track Credit

Monitor creditworthiness and counterparty collateral to better manage exposure limits and minimize default risks.

Position Management

Real-time (RT) position monitoring and reporting capabilities help traders track their exposure and compliance with risk limits.

Position Valuation”

Calculate the current value of open positions by comparing market prices to contract prices to better assess unrealized gains or losses on open positions.


Integrate with price data sources (exchanges, reporting agencies, and market intelligence providers) to obtain real-time or day-end prices for various commodities and derivatives

Trade Capture

As the cornerstone of ETRMCore, the Trade Capture module helps companies align traded, scheduled, meter, and e-Tag volumes and automate their reporting and settlement, even in complex, many-to-many relationship structures. Seamlessly integrating with any scheduling system (including ScheduleCore), Trade Capture adapts quickly to market fluctuations. Easily deployed, all Trade Capture implementations performed to date have been completed at, or under budget.

Designed for Speed

EnergyCore Trade Capture is fronted by a fast, straightforward, powerful interface to help traders quickly enter all counterparty deals for multiple commodities.

Flexible Data Structuring

Organize data by counterparty-specific and structured contracts (e.g., contract names, portfolios, dates, locations, flags, etc.) for scheduling in ISO/RTO markets.

All Attribute Tracking

EnergyCore Trade Capture solution supports all attributes for power, resource adequacy, REC, GHG, transmission, ancillary service, natural gas, and more.

Easy Data Entry & Transport

Trades can easily be entered through (a) user-defined templates and/or (b) using simple copying/pasting to Excel or other database tools.

REC Inventory Management

Enhance Renewable Energy Credit (REC) operations with precision and flexibility. ETRMCore’s REC Inventory Management functionality incorporates extensive APIs to seamlessly import data from REC registries, including WREGIS, NAR, ERCOT, MRETS, PJM-GATS, and other U.S. REC Tracking Systems. Core benefits include:

  • Independent tracking and reporting on all incoming and outgoing REC transfers, whether transferred to another counterparty or retired.
  • Detailed REC portfolio views facilitate searching, analyzing, and extracting transfer records between licensees and counterparties.
  • Add and categorize REC types, improving short or long position management. Detailed records can be effortlessly integrated with other PowerCore platform functions enabling the allocation of RECs for sales recorded in ETRMCore’s Trade Capture function.

Credit Management

Greatly enhance compliance with your company’s risk management strategy and policies using EnergyCore Credit Management. It consolidates critical data from trader activities to counterparty exposures, and calculates daily and intra-day mark-to-market (MtM).

Easily Configure Nuanced Limits

  • Counterparty Credit:
    Set different thresholds for products traded at the net level or by direction.
  • Ceilings:
    Assign volumetric and dollar limits to a single trader or to trader groups.
  • Tailored screens empower credit and risk managers to easily establish trading and warning limits.

Enhance Transparency

Traders (and others) see real-time available credit limits by counterparty before, during, and after trading.

Get Vital Alerts & Notifications

  • Exception warnings for traders
  • Limit alerts for credit managers
  • Automated emails are sent to defined stakeholder groups whenever exception limits are met

Position Management

EnergyCore Position Management is a comprehensive, visually structured tool essential for scheduling. It manages and validates volumetric positions within portfolios and across counterparties while easily integrating with EnergyCore’s Trade Capture and Credit Management modules. Position Management can also interface with existing ETRM systems, or be deployed in a standalone mode, delivering powerful reporting and analytics from imported data.

Customize Any Screen

Get detailed analytics (e.g., graphing, charting) for any element, including:

  • Comprehensive portfolio overviews
  • Fuel-type breakdowns
  • Sub-customer generation and load figure visualizations
  • Volumetric balance assessments
  • Detailed, intertie-specific import and export schedules

Access, Manipulate & Act on Data Faster

  • Use granular drill-downs from portfolio summaries to see locations, schedules, and e-Tag volumes.
  • Apply intuitive filtering for focused graphing of pertinent data point comparisons.
  • Easily import/export data with Excel and other tools for enhanced analytics and workflow efficiency.

Link to Trade Capture & E-Tagging

Create and automate trade flow quantities and delivery schedules from Trade Capture and E-Tagging modules.