PacifiCorp Implements the Power Settlements Solution for CAISO EIM Shadow Settlements and Real-Time Situational Awareness Analytics

PacifiCorp, a utility with approximately 10,000 MW of generation and a participant in the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market (CAISO EIM), has implemented the Power Settlements SettleCore™ solution. PacifiCorp has deployed the integrated SettleCore solution for both front-office and back-operation operations, including both their EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator (PRSC) and their EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinators (EESC). PacifiCorp has licensed the SettleCore – Visual Analytics, ISO Downloader, Shadow Settlements, Settlements Analyzer, Allocations, and Meter modules.

PacifiCorp’s real-time schedulers use the SettleCore – Visual Analytics module for monitoring their performance in the CAISO EIM market, including real-time position management and pricing, and an estimate of their CAISO EIM profits and losses that is updated every 5-minutes in the real-time market. PacifiCorp also uses the SettleCore solution for the calculation and management reporting of their CAISO EIM Benefits. PacifiCorp’s back-office group utilizes the SettleCore – Shadow Settlements, Settlement Analyzer, and ISO Downloader modules for CAISO EIM shadow settlements, settlement validations, and reporting. In the Fall of 2017, PacifiCorp will implement the SettleCore Allocations module to perform the Transmission Billing calculation function and the Meter Module for meter data submissions to the CAISO.

Doug Young, PacifiCorp’s Director of Back Office Operations, commented, “Power Settlements has been a fantastic business partner. They implemented the SettleCore product ahead of schedule and did an excellent job of delivering a well-tested product that met or exceeded our specific requirements. Where we needed enhancements to the product the Power Settlements team was readily available to hear our requests, they quickly comprehended what our needs were and rolled out the enhancements in a timeframe that exceeded our expectations. The Power Settlements team has been an exceptional business partner and I consider them best in class for exceeding our customer service expectations in the areas of fast response times to requests, technical expertise, reliability, flexibility and follow through. I highly recommend working with the Power Settlements team if you are a participant in the CAISO market.

“PacifiCorp is an incredible customer and has realized material benefits from the Power Settlements solution, including real-time capabilities for their front-office to monitor their resource and portfolio-level CAISO EIM data in a single dashboard that has resulted in the ability to make more informed procurement and scheduling decisions, as well as to further minimize costs to their customers. The Power Settlements solution has provided significant benefits to PacifiCorp’s back-office functions, including predictive shadow settlement estimates and statement validations, dispute identification, reporting, and fast processing times. Just as important as the functionality within the system, PacifiCorp has benefited from Power Settlements’ unique customer support model that has allowed for fast issue resolution, customizations, and attentiveness to users from our technical support staff. We are very pleased to count PacifiCorp as one of our customers and look forward to providing superior support to them for many years to come,” said David Dan, CEO of Power Settlements.

For more information about the SettleCore – Visual Analytics Module, please visit For more information about additional SettleCore modules, please visit

About PacifiCorp

PacifiCorp is one of the West’s leading utilities, serving approximately 1.8 million customers in six states. PacifiCorp has 10,894 megawatts of generation capacity from coal, hydro, renewable wind power, gas-fired combustion turbines, solar and geothermal. The company was formed in 1984, when our electric utility, natural resource development and telecommunications businesses grew into full-fledged enterprises. In 1989, we merged with Utah Power & Light and continued doing business as Pacific Power and Utah Power. PacifiCorp is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy. Today, PacifiCorp consists of two business units: Pacific Power, which delivers electricity to customers in Oregon, Washington and California, is headquartered in Portland, Oregon; and Rocky Mountain Power, which delivers electricity to customers in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho, is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

About the SettleCore System by Power Settlements

Power Settlements is a software company that specializes in providing software solutions to energy companies that participate in the ISO and RTO physical power markets. Our flagship product SettleCore™ is a leading platform for participants in the ISO and RTO Markets. The SettleCore ISO/RTO modules enable full bid-to-bill functionality from bid submission through data downloading, reporting, and shadow settlements and settlement statement validation in the ISO markets. The SettleCore Visual Analytics Module is the leading visual dashboard for analysis of ISO dispatch and automatic flagging of events to avoid costs and highlight trading opportunities. Visual Analytics displays data in both an historical screen as well as an on-demand real-time screen. The SettleCore ETRM system includes a very robust, modular and fully integrated Energy Trading and Risk Management system, which includes power and natural gas deal entry for transactions in ISOs as well as bilateral transactions outside ISOs, settlements and invoicing, mark-to-market, the enforcement of counterparty credit and trader limits and risk management analytics. All of the SettleCore modules are fully integrated in a single system built in Microsoft .Net, using the SQL Server database which provides for full auditability, traceability, and user security roles.