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The SettleCore – Allocations Module allows market participants to perform counterparty reporting, regulatory reporting, and asset-level profit and loss analysis from shadow settlements or ISO/RTO settlement statements using a completely automated allocations engine.

Allocations are required to perform a complete set of settlement analysis at the individual asset (generator, load, or intertie interchange) level. While many of the ISO charge codes are published at the asset-level (for example, real-time energy), a large number of charge codes are published by the ISOs at the market participant level (for example grid management charges).

Allocations are needed to a) use a cost-causation engine to “allocate” portfolio-level charge codes down to the individual asset-level and b) re-create a settlement statement combining the ISO-published asset-level charge codes with the allocated asset-level charge codes.

See how much time can be saved by automating reports and asset-level profits and losses using the SettleCore Allocations Module. Schedule a demo of SettleCore today.

Learn more about how Power Settlements can help you

Feature Overview

  • Run allocations on ISO settlement files and shadow settlements.
  • Review the allocation results at the asset-level for 100% of charge codes at the asset and interval level, with a quantity, price, and amount.

The SettleCore solution is comprised of the following modules:

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